Introduction to Geospatial Data Processing and Analysis

Geospatial data, also known as geographic or spatial data, refers to information that is associated with specific geographic locations on the Earth’s surface. It includes both the spatial coordinates (latitude, longitude, and sometimes altitude) and the attributes or characteristics of features or phenomena located at those coordinates. Geospatial data is essential for various fields and industries, including geography, urban planning, environmental science, agriculture, transportation, disaster management, and more.

Geospatial data processing and analysis involves integrating geospatial information with data analysis and modeling to gain insights, make predictions, and solve complex spatial problems. With its extensive range of packages and libraries, R offers a comprehensive platform for performing geospatial data science tasks. Although numerous books and online tutorials are available related to spatial data processing in R, I have to create this tutorial for students from different disciplines, such as agriculture, soil science, environmental health, environmental engineering, and data science. Most of them have no prior knowledge of GIS, remote sensing, or any other area of geoinformatics. But working with spatial data, it is necessary to know how to process spatial data from different domains and be familiar with some basic spatial data analysis techniques. This tutorial has been organized with R-code and data I have used in several publications. Most of the codes were written with the help of postings in several online blogs: such as R-sig-GeoStack Overflow, and R bloggers and online tutorials such as Spatial Data Science and Geostatistics & Open-source statistical computing.

Geospatial data processing and analysis in R is of significant importance due to several reasons:

  1. Spatial Data Handling: R provides powerful tools and libraries, such as sf and raster, that enable the efficient handling of spatial data, including points, lines, polygons, and raster datasets. It allows users to easily import, export, visualize, and manipulate geospatial data.

  2. Interdisciplinary Applications: Geospatial data analysis finds applications in various fields, including environmental science, urban planning, agriculture, epidemiology, transportation, and more. R’s capabilities make it a versatile platform for researchers and professionals in these diverse domains.

  3. Visualization: R, coupled with packages like ggplot2, allows for high-quality and customizable geospatial data visualization. This is crucial for effectively communicating findings, insights, and patterns in the data to both technical and non-technical audiences.

  4. Spatial Analysis Techniques: R provides an extensive range of spatial analysis techniques, such as spatial autocorrelation, spatial interpolation, geostatistics, point pattern analysis, spatial clustering, and spatial regression. These techniques aid in understanding spatial relationships and making informed decisions based on spatial patterns.

  5. Integration with Statistical Modeling: Geospatial data often involves complex relationships and dependencies. R’s ability to integrate geospatial data with statistical models and techniques allows for more sophisticated and accurate analysis, helping uncover hidden patterns and associations.

  6. Open Source and Community Support: R is an open-source language with a large and active user community. This means access to a wealth of user-contributed packages, documentation, tutorials, and support forums dedicated to geospatial data analysis. The community-driven nature of R ensures continuous improvement and innovation in geospatial analysis capabilities.

  7. Reproducibility and Transparency: R facilitates reproducible research by allowing users to script data processing and analysis workflows. This ensures that others can easily replicate the results, promoting transparency and scientific rigor.

  8. Spatial Data Science: Integrating geospatial analysis with data science techniques in R has given rise to “Spatial Data Science.” This interdisciplinary approach leverages R’s extensive data manipulation, statistical modeling, and machine learning capabilities to solve complex geospatial problems.

  9. Decision-Making and Planning: Geospatial data analysis in R enables evidence-based decision-making and efficient spatial planning. Governments, organizations, and businesses can utilize these insights to optimize resource allocation, infrastructure development, and disaster management.

Overall, R’s geospatial data processing and analysis provide a robust and accessible toolkit for researchers, analysts, and decision-makers to understand the world in spatial terms, leading to better-informed choices and solutions to spatial problems.

This chapter consists of four modules:

1. Spatial Data Processing

2. Spatial Statistics

3. Spatial Interpolation